Friday, October 24, 2008


“It’s not the economy out there that is the problem, it’s the economy between your ears that is the problem.”

-Zig Ziglar

My dad took me to first see Zig Ziglar when I was in 4th or 5th grade. At a young age I didn't always understand what he was saying but I did understand the difference between people with a positive attitude and people with a negative attitude. The positive people were the ones with money and the negative ones were broke.

I'm with Zig. I choose to enjoy a booming economy regardless of what the rest of the world chooses.
For more "Zigisms" go to

"May you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers." -Paul
(for more on Paul see The Bible)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Biden on Joe the Plumber

Dear Senator Joe Biden,

I don't think that you can afford to make fun of Joe the Plumber on national TV. No, I don't watch Jay Leno's show but many of us in Ohio do. None of us appreciate it when someone who is trying to get our vote makes fun of one of us.

I don't care what the polls say, YOU LOST VOTES because of your condescension! Thanks for showing America what a pompous a$$ you really are.


Teresa the Taser Lady